Directions to
Copperhead Club
Copperhead Club is less than one hour away from New York City by train or car at 137 N Water St, open seven days a week at noon with a kitchen that’s open til late every day.
How to get to 137 N Water St, Peekskill NY
By Metro North/Train
We are less than half North of the Peekskill Metro North station. When you arrive at the station, walk North on Railroad Ave, make a right on Hudson Ave (East), and then a quick left on N Water St. Copperhead Club will be not he right side of the street.
By Car
Copperhead Club is on the corner of N Water St and Main St in Peekskill. Take the Main St exit and head downhill on Main St.
Parking at Copperhead Club
There is free, unmetered and unrestricted street parking seven days a week on the West side of N Water St and a free, unmetered municipal lot adjacent to our restaurant.